

Marketing Express

Summary of our client’s business:

Marketing Express is a marketing agency that offers an advertising solution for SMBs. Its primary focus is to offer independence in advertising decisions through a single payment service. In this way, the objective of any start-up or maturing project is covered: to focus on the financial area without neglecting the brand image.

What we analyzed of the project:

The proposal consists of approaching from a resolute perspective the marketing of small and medium-sized companies according to the evolutionary moment of their business to improve efficiency, productivity and support sales. The company offers solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.

What we achieved in the project:

We were able to establish a solid and authentic connection with Marketing Express’ audience while maintaining a friendly and accessible brand image. Our marketing strategy succeeded in conveying Marketing Express’ seriousness and commitment to its clients, especially those in the initial stages of their projects. Thanks to this approach, we were able to build trust and credibility in the brand and thus help our clients achieve their business objectives effectively.

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