


Business Overview:

CyC is a company dedicated to solving scale problems in homes, buildings and restaurants through their products. They sell filtering systems to improve water quality and prevent scale buildup in pipes and appliances. They also offer after-sales maintenance services to guarantee the correct functioning of the filters and thus avoid future damage to their customers. They also work with products for pipe unclogging or cleaning that do not pollute the environment.

What we review:

After a detailed analysis of the Instagram social network of this account, we identified opportunities for improvement in several key aspects: It was noted that the quality of the images could be improved. Investing in higher resolution and clearer images would help convey a more professional and attractive image. It was recommended that the amount of text in the images be reduced. Too much text can be overwhelming for followers and hinder effective communication. Instead, a more concise and direct approach was used.  A variety of font styles were observed in the published content. To maintain brand consistency, it was essential to unify and reduce the number of fonts used. This helped to establish a more consistent and recognizable visual identity.

What we achieved:

This time we improved the graphic image of their Instagram, using their main colors and expanding the palette. We also made more professional designs, more balanced and with less visual noise. We changed the length and structure of the descriptive texts of the posts, making them more persuasive and easier to understand.

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