
Privacy Policy

General aspects:

Welcome to the Privacy and Data Protection Policies of Global Marketing House SpA (“Privacy Policies”), which apply to anyone who enters this website (“Site”) and in general, to any application or website owned by Global Marketing House SpA (hereinafter, “Nodos Media”), its subsidiaries, affiliates, and any related company. 

Through this Privacy Policy, we explain what we do with your data when you freely submit it to our Site from wherever you access and use it. This policy also explains the data we may collect when you are already using our Services.

Other websites, digital products of Nodos Media and third parties may have different privacy policies, therefore, be sure to check the applicable policies and terms from such other sites, products, software, or services before contracting with us.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to guarantee the due respect and treatment of the personal data of the Users of the Site, following the provisions of Law N° 19.628 on the Protection of Private Life and Protection of Personal Data and any modification that it may undergo. Thus, by consenting to the terms contained in this Privacy Policy, the User of the Site expressly grants Nodos Media the right to collect, process, use and treat the information received from them in the terms established in this Privacy Policy and the applicable regulations.


  • User: the natural person or persons who quote, negotiate, and/or contract a service through our Site.
  • Company (hereinafter “Provider,” “Nodos Media,” or “we”): the company or partnership, which offers services through the Site, in this case “Global Marketing House SpA” and which operates in business management, business consulting, outsourced services or outsourcing by department, and other similar.
  • Suppliers (hereinafter “third parties”): any person, company or entity not affiliated with Nodos Media that supplies or provides directly to us.
  • Service: business management, business consulting, outsourced services or outsourcing by department, and other similar services offered on our Site or those offered directly to our Users.
  • Website or webpage: the website, its subpages and associated web applications.
  • Personal and sensitive data (hereinafter, “Data”): are those relating to any information concerning natural persons, identified or identifiable, any person whose identity can be determined, directly or indirectly, in particular employing an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more elements specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the said person shall be considered an identifiable natural person; and those that refer to the physical or moral characteristics of persons or facts or circumstances of their private life or intimacy, such as personal habits, racial origin, political ideologies and opinions, religious beliefs or convictions, physical or mental health states and sexual life.
  • Confidential Information: for example, all technical and/or other documentation and information, studies, programs, knowledge, know-how and data of a similar nature, personal data of the Users, materials or conclusions drawn on the occasion of the provision of the Service, disclosed by or to Nodos Media, and its Suppliers, orally, in written format or any other digital or electronic support that guarantees their reception, as well as all copies, extracts and summaries thereof. 

Rights of data subjects:

If you want to put on in contact with us in relation to the use of your Personal Data or exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition to the processing of your Personal Data, we indicate to you the following, in compliance with current legislation:

  • The Company responsible for the personal data is Global Marketing House SpA, Unique Tax Role number 77589893-3, with address at Calle Los Militares, number 4777, comuna de Las Condes, Metropolitan Region.
  • If you wish to contact us, you can do so at the addresses described in the “Contact and support” from our published Terms and Conditions on the website
  • You shall in any case, write down the name of the website or the route by which you introduced your data, and attach a copy of your national identity card. 

Confidentiality of Data:

The processing and protection of Data is carried out by Nodos Media, in the manner and conditions determined by Law No. 19.628 of 1999 on the Protection of Private Life, or the one or the ones that in the future replace it.

Nodos Media guarantees its Users that all information or Data delivered through the Site, whether provided in the forms available on our Site or in any other way, or the execution of the Service, will always be treated in such a way as to safeguard the reception, storage, and confidentiality of the Data, being used only for the purpose stated here. We undertake not to sell, disseminate, or distribute in any other way your Personal Data to third parties, except in the cases provided in this Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy covers all the Data that is provided within the Site, in addition to other information that Nodos Media becomes aware of due to the provision of Services. If any link contained on the Site refers the User to web pages owned by third parties, this policy does not apply to such sites since Nodos Media does not have the domain or control of these.

All personal data to which Nodos Media has access following this Privacy Policy will be treated with the standards normally used in the industry to protect this type of information. If VA Inversiones detects a risk of violation of these measures, or if any data has been leaked, VA Inversiones will communicate it to the affected Users and/or Suppliers as soon as it becomes aware of it. 

All Nodos Media employees are governed by a strict confidentiality policy, under which they are prohibited from disclosing any information they access in the exercise of their functions, with special emphasis on the personal data of Users and/or Suppliers to which they have access. Likewise, by accepting the Terms and Conditions of Nodos Media and this Privacy Policy, the Providers (according to the definition provided in the Terms and Conditions of Nodos Media) undertake to treat with the confidentiality established in this Privacy Policy and the laws mentioned in the previous paragraphs, any personal or sensitive data of the Users to which they have access under the Service provided by Nodos Media.

Principles relating to the processing of Data:

Nodos Media declares that the personal data will be:

  1. Treated in a lawful, loyal, and transparent manner in relation to the User; 
  2. Collected with specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes, and will not be further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes; 
  3. Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary concerning the purposes for which they are processed;
  4. Accurate and, if necessary, up to date; all reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate for the purposes for which they are processed are deleted or rectified without delay;
  5. Maintained in a way that allows the identification of the interested parties for no longer than necessary for the processing of personal data; 
  6. Processed in such a way as to ensure adequate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, by applying appropriate technical or organizational measures.

Authorization for the use of the Data:

If you do not agree with our Privacy Policy, please do not accept by checking the box or by any other verification presented to you. It will be understood that with the acceptance of our Terms and Conditions, you are accepting our Privacy Policies.

However, you may revoke this authorization, without retroactive effect, by writing to us at any time at the addresses described in the Contact and Support section of our Terms and Conditions.

Conditional voluntary nature in the delivery of Data:

All information or personal data provided by the Users are delivered freely and voluntarily and with knowledge of the uses and purposes that are declared here.

Information to which Nodos Media has access and the use of this information:

Nodos Media will have different ways of collecting information from those who visit the Website, different in terms of its scope and content. We describe below, what Data Nodos Media collects, in what form and for what purpose (use):

  1. a) Data collected when visiting the Website (Cookies):

Nodos Media collects every time someone visits the Site, information that in no case implies the personal identification of visitors, even if they do not register as User and/or Provider, information about the use of the Site, Data of the computer used to access the Site (IP address, internet connection, operating system), browsing history and preferences within the Site, User and/or Provider account data (information on the services contracted, as well as ratings and/or comments on them), source data (if you enter the Site directly or through an external link, in the latter case Nodos Media collects the data from the source), data derived from the management of incidents and geolocation data (including real-time geolocation). The treatment that will be given to this information only aims to have clarity about the movement that exists on the Site, to have a record of the activities that the different visitors of the Site perform (which sectors of the Site are most visited, for example), thus being able to establish patterns of activity, navigation and audience of the Site (including the identification of the device, operating system and other indicators of the hardware used, in addition to the time, date and duration of the visit to the Site), the way to improve the various features of the Site and locate the areas of greatest interest of the visitors, thus being able to enhance them.

Eventually, Nodos Media can use cookies that will be installed on the User’s computer when they browse the Site. These are intended to facilitate navigation of the site for the User and to provide Nodos Media with information that will help it to improve its services and content. In no case will the cookies used by Nodos Media provide personal information from the User, who in relation to them will maintain full confidentiality, even against Nodos Media, since they also do not provide information aimed at individualizing or identifying the User.

  1. b) Data provided by the Service registration or reservation:

To be able to use or provide the Services of Nodos Media, any person must respond through a formal email to the requirements that were requested at the meeting or quote email. The Data that will be delivered will be the full name, email, identity card number, mobile phone number and address.

Only the information provided, complete and truthful will allow Nodos Media to provide the Services for the Provider to execute the contracted Service. Therefore, the User and/or Provider will be solely responsible for the damages that Nodos Media or third parties may suffer as a result of the lack of veracity, inaccuracy, lack of validity, authenticity or ownership of the Data provided. Nodos Media presumes that all information provided by a User and/or Supplier as their personal information belongs to them and they are authorized to disclose it, therefore, Nodos Media will not be responsible if third-party information has been provided without their prior consent, being exclusively responsible for the treatment of third-party Data, the User and Supplier who have disclosed it.

  1. c) Payment data delivered to the payment gateway (checkout).

All the information you provide about the payment, information provided by the User for the payment of our services, could be managed by the payment gateway of a provider external to Nodos Media, so you must review the privacy policy of the gateway, which can be found on their website. 

Nodos Media does not store Users’ credit card Data. However, the Identification data of the credit card (number and expiration date) are stored by the payment service provider chosen by Nodos Media, whose privacy policies respond to high standards and the provisions of the law for this purpose, for which the User and the Provider give their express written consent at the time indicated above. If the User or the Provider requests to delete the Data corresponding to the means of payment that they entered in their profile, the payment service provider, in this case, a third party, will delete said Data from its servers as soon as possible unless there is some reason that authorizes the third party not to do so, either by law or under contractual stipulations.

  1. d) Additional information that Nodos Media has access to:

Any other information that the User or Provider submits to Nodos Media through its own initiative for other purposes, will have the treatment of confidentiality following the Principles of Processing of Personal Data previously indicated. The information about the communications made with Nodos Media provided by Users or Suppliers for the resolution of doubts, suggestions, or complaints about the use of the Site and the other Banking Data of the User that is delivered to Nodos Media following the payment for the Services by bank transfer, will also be treated in the manner established in this Privacy Policy.

  1. e) Data received from third parties:

Nodos Media may collect information or Personal Data from external third parties only if the User and/or Provider authorize those third parties to share the aforementioned information with Nodos Media. The information provided by the external third party may be controlled by the User and/ or the Provider according to the external third party’s own privacy policy.

Storage of Data for communication purposes:

The Data collected and stored for communication purposes will have the treatment that will be indicated below and will be, among others, the following:

  1. The sending of informative emails, to present a product, service, corporate information, contents that we consider could be of interest, messages intended to confirm your registration, to ask for your opinion regarding our service or to notify you regarding changes to the terms and conditions or this Privacy Policy. If you decide to stop receiving the message-sending service from Nodos Media, you can do so automatically through a hyperlink that is incorporated into all our communications. 
  2. Sending communications to the email address or telephone number you have provided to contact you individually, by direct or instant messaging.

Encryption of Personal Data: 

To ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data we collect online; we use data networks protected by standard password-protected firewalls and encryption of sensitive personal data input and output. During the processing of your Personal Data, we take measures appropriately designed to protect such information from possible loss, improper use, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

If there is a breach or attack on our Site, by third parties, without negligence or willful misconduct on our part, you as a User release Nodos Media from liability for all legal purposes. Being responsible for the violation or attack is the exclusive responsibility of the third party. 

Exceptions to our Privacy Policy and other information:

Nodos Media may disclose personal data with the express written consent of the User or Suppliers, however, none of the Data communications indicated in this Privacy Policy will include: selling, leasing, sharing or otherwise disclosing personal information of Users and/or Suppliers for commercial purposes contrary to the commitments made under this Privacy Policy.

The Data and/or any other type of specific information about the User that we may access, intentionally or accidentally, may be disclosed to third parties to comply with legal procedures such as a search warrant, a court summons, a court order, or to requirements of administrative authorities, which may be considered valid under applicable laws. Furthermore, for our protection, yours and that of other users, your personal data may also be disclosed in those cases that imply the existence of an attempted breach of security, or physical danger or threat against the User, or Nodos Media, external suppliers or third parties.


If any provision of this Privacy Policy is held void, invalid or unenforceable by a court or a law of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining provisions will not be affected in any way. In such a case, the User agrees to replace the invalid or unenforceable provision with a provision as close as possible to the original intention of the invalid or unenforceable provision.

Applicable law and court of exclusive jurisdiction

This Privacy Policy is governed and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of Chile, without regard to the principles of conflicts of laws. The User agrees that any dispute arising between the Company and the Users in connection therewith shall be resolved under the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts of law. And the city of Santiago, Metropolitan Region, is fixed as the domicile for the purposes of the extension of competition.   


These Privacy Policies will be updated from time to time and under legal, regulatory, or operational modifications. We will notify you of these changes (including the effective date) as required by law. In the same way, it is recommended that they be consulted periodically on our website since the Company reserves the right to modify at any time the stipulations herein. These modifications will aim to offer a better service to our Users.

Respetamos su privacidad

Utilizamos cookies para garantizar la mejor experiencia de navegación posible. Algunas son necesarias para funciones esenciales, por ejemplo, sesiones de inicio de sesión, mientras que otras nos ayudan a proporcionarle contenido y marketing más adaptados a sus necesidades. Aceptar todas las cookies nos permite mejorar aún más su experiencia. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que, algunas pueden ser cookies de terceros. Para más información, por favor, consulte nuestra política de privacidad.