


Summary of our client’s business:

LATAM Forex Solutions is a leading outsourcing services company for FOREX and CFD companies that want to achieve a successful presence in LATAM. Its main objective is to help brokerage firms expand and have a positive impact in the region, allowing them to focus on their vision and mission while LFXS takes care of the execution of their business goals.

What we analyzed from the project:

What was observed from the research is that there are several considerations and processes that brokerage firms face when expanding into a new region. The language barrier and legal regulations of each country are the most notable.

What we achieved in the project:

Taking all this information into account, we kept part of the design of the original visual appearance using the initials as the main component of the identity, reinforcing each letter with the appropriate weight and emphasizing the shape and contrast of the letters. This design, as a whole, allows for identification without the need for another accompanying symbol as was previously done and taking into account its graphic universe, the initials “FX” were used as a substitute for the original symbol to adapt to digital needs as needed.

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