

Canales Consultores

Business Overview:

Canales Consultores is a company with more than 32 years in the market that helps entrepreneurs to work their businesses in a more optimal and efficient way. They have a highly qualified team in the areas of Tax Management, Business Management, Finance and Administration with vast experience in the Chilean market. They work with each client in a personalized way, turning their challenges into opportunities.

What we review:

Our analysis for this website contemplated a complete redesign in design, programming and web copy. We proposed the use of more corporate colors and took into account the client’s request to use photographs of Santiago de Chile, this request would be applied to the design of the main banners of the website. We also suggested the reorganization of the texts and the creation of more persuasive ones based on copywriting formulas that allow a better orientation and definition of the objectives to be achieved. On the programming side, it is necessary to create a more efficient web structure for easier navigation for the users.

What we achieved:

In this project we redesigned the website, taking into account that it must be comprehensive, reliable and corporate; in this way there will be an improvement in the visual proposal and user experience. We improved the slugs of each page in the site address. We created a corporate color palette to use on the website, taking into account the colors they already had, using backgrounds and fonts that allow a fluid reading. We created a more intuitive navigation tree. In addition to creating a website in English and Spanish.

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