

Código Forex

Summary of our client’s business:

Código Forex is an educational platform that offers trading education ethically for the market. Its objective is to strengthen its presence in Latin American countries such as Ecuador, Chile, CDMX, Colombia, Peru, Salvador, Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina. It seeks to reinforce relationships with its clients and close new commercial agreements, promote different social media channels with its own strategies and generate an online community.

What we analyzed of the project:

The proposal consists of developing a marketing strategy tailored to the specific needs of each target country of Código Forex, in order to improve brand visibility, build loyalty among existing customers, generate credibility in the market and increase web traffic.

What we achieved in the project:

Through our collaboration with Código Forex, we were able to identify key client needs and developed an effective and customized marketing strategy for each target country. We created an advertising campaign that improved visibility and brand recognition, resulting in increased web traffic and increased loyalty from existing customers. In addition, we provided Código Forex with additional tools and resources to improve its efficiency and effectiveness in providing services to its clients in order to consolidate its position as a leading platform in the ethical trading education market in Latin America.

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