
11 August, 2023

Monthly Work Reports of Marketing Agencies


If the marketing services agency you work with does not provide you with the reports of its monthly activity, you should know that this is a mandatory practice, along with its tasks. Therefore, we must demand such reports, as detailed as possible. 

This is the only way to observe and measure the results that marketing strategies are obtaining in different areas, from web traffic and advertising reach to interactions on social networks and email (open rates), among others. 

Service company obligations

In general, there are various obligations that companies have towards their customers, whether it is a marketing outsourcing or any other that provides a B2B service. In this regard, it is worth mentioning:

  • To inform, in a clear, precise and truthful way about the services, indicating the extent of them. This information should be detailed in the contract and discussed in the meetings that are held with the clients, whatever the means through which the meeting is scheduled.
  • To clarify any doubts that may arise with respect to the activities to be carried out, always responding, in a timely and effective manner, to the communications that the client sends and the questions that they raise.
  • To provide clear information about what the client should do, in case he has to intervene at any time, in relation to any task related to the service.
  • To maintain the conditions under which the company undertook to provide the service, without altering or modifying them, unless a new agreement is discussed with the client.
  • To inform, in advance, about the costs, if any change has happened and if the need to make an adjustment arises, due to different situations.
  • To submit an invoice, breaking down the cost of the service, including details such as taxes and similar.
  • Also, as mentioned at the beginning, the marketing services agency must submit the reports of its monthly activity, in order to inform the client about the evolution or the state in which the development of the contracted plans is.
  • To communicate about needs or unforeseen events that may have arisen in relation to the commitments acquired.

Marketing reports

At this point, it is important to note that, with regard to the marketing reports that the service agency is required to deliver, these should contain data related to various aspects, such as:

  • Objectives: It is good to start with a reminder about what you want to achieve, in clear terms, preferably numerical. 
  • Website: It is not only about the traffic, in absolute terms, but about the trends and changes with respect to the previous period, duration of visits, where they come from, which devices, web positioning, which are the subpages that attract the most, where it can or should be reinforced. 
  • Email marketing: Emails sent, open rate, bounce rate, clicks, unsubscribe, emails with more activity or conversion.
  • Clients: Number of new qualified leads in marketing (MQL) and for sales (SQL), acquisition and per share costs (CPA), where customers come from, among others.
  • Social networks: Number of followers, trends, user data, number of interactions and impressions, ad performance.
  • Explanations and interpretations of the numbers.

It is considered that monthly reports are usually the most useful for organizations since they are the ones that allow us to better observe the trends within the period, for the purposes of making decisions about strategies. 

What happens if the marketing agency does not deliver reports?

As we have been able to see, the data presented in the reports are important for customers. In this way, they can evaluate the expense and consider whether to make a greater investment. Otherwise, the company would go blind with respect to its marketing strategy.

Therefore, all this information should be presented by a responsible marketing outsourcing in a report. But what happens if the agency doesn’t do it? Customers have to demand their compliance, without accepting exceptions. And if the situation persists, consider the possibility of terminating the contract.Therefore, it is necessary that you evaluate as a company if the marketing services agency you are working with is giving you what you need and if it gives you the reports of its monthly activity. And in case you require a marketing consultancy, get a second opinion on this topic or clarify any doubts, do not hesitate to contact Nodos Media; we are an outsourcing company that provides various services, including customized Corporate Marketing.


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